A huge part of an argument is made up of two parts that work hand and hand. One part being the premise, which is "a proposition in an argument that is supportes the conclusion". The second part is the conclusion, which is "the proposition in an argument that is supported on the bais of other proposition (this means backed up by a premise)". These two parts work directly with one another because the premise is trying to convince or provide proof for accepting a certain conclusion. I thought about it as the premise being a sort of wing man to the conclusion that is trying to get a date. Since the conclusion cannot pick up a lady by himself he needs the premise to be by his side to pick him up and highlight his atributes. The premise gives compliments and reasons to date the conclusion or at least give him a chance to talk. The only way the conclusion will get a date is if the premise gives it good support made up of facts not opinion because the premise (wingman) has to be sincere. This wingman however can have many different ways for supporting the conclusion, which can be either Descriptive premise, Prescriptive premise, Analogical Premise, or Definition premise. Descriptive premise means that the support is based on facts and evidence not opinion or bias views of things. Prescriptive premise is one that contain value statements like "we should stand tall and unite." An Analogical premise is one that uses analogies to compare two thing like "you are as beautiful as the full moon on a clear night." and finally we have Definition premise, which simply gives the dictionary definition of a word that can be interpreted in many ways. So next time make sure if your wingman(premise) is doing his job to back up your arguments conclusion.
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