Thursday, September 6, 2012

9/6/12 Question 1: Holmes is a smart guy.

"When it comes to the art of reasoning, many people rely on opinion and unsupported assumptions. The difficulty, he maintains, is to detach the framework of undeniable fact from the embellishments of hearsay and reports." Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes was an incredible detective and one that used critical thinking at its best. Well at least that is how the author of the fictional character described him. Nevertheless, his statement does have a certain significance. I took the quote as people cannot distinguish FACTS from OPINION, but if they can find a way to critically differentiate one from the other then they have truly mastered "the art of reasoning. I also thought that when he said that when he stated "The difficulty, is to detach Undeniable fact from the Embellishment" meant that a person must be able to tell true facts from the extra added details that would make the story or argument more believable. The quote also reminded me about when people that say "Oh yeah last night was crazy man. So many girls were talking to me. You missed out on an amazing night". I thought about this because how much of the story is fabricated to make me believe him and how much of the story is true. Overall I thought Sherlock Holmes was trying to say keep your ears open for the truth and for the opinions of a persons argument or story.



  1. Hello Heisenberg

    I like Sherlock Holmes too because he can analyze his case and this situation so well, so he could paste all pieces together to solve the case. I agree with you saying that we should open our ears to listen for the opinion and truth, and it is important to find evidence to support all arguments we take in and we make. People often make argument without providing any evidence, and those are vague arguments. It is very important to make valid argument. Thus, people will understand the concept and argument you are trying to state.

    Take Care!


  2. Heisenberg,

    I agree with your post about how Sherlock Holmes was an overall great critical thinker. A lot of the time people do not realize when someone is fabricating a story especially when it is told by a stranger. When it is your friends, you can automatically tell most of the time when they are saying the truth or lying. For me, I have to see it to believe it, unless they are my true friends who would never lie to me. However, it is the individual's duty to figure out Fact, from Fiction and by using our critical thinking skills we need evidence to prove it. We should always keep our ears open and distinguish truth from opinion.

  3. Hey Heisenberg,

    Your interpretation of the quote is in my mind spot on, I agree that the quote is more saying that in order to master “the art of reasoning” you need to have the ability to spots peoples opinions over true facts. Sherlock Holmes was a master at doing that, which led to his character being so entertaining within his books and the movies. I am one to usually give my opinions over looking at the true facts and establishing the truth from that, and I would like to think I am not in the minority. I believe to master “the art of reasoning”, you truly have to go through a lot in life and be a little older than we are as college students because we learn more every day and that will help when it comes down to pointing out someone’s opinions over true facts.

    -Mike Ross
