Over the course we have cover and array of topics. However, I think the biggest thing I have personally learned was how to blog. At the being of this course I had no idea of how we were all going to communicate. When we received the first assignment and email I was shocked and scared because I had never used a blog service before. Although, confusing at first I had fun customizing my page and learning how everything worked on BLOGGER. I am happy that I learned this skill because I find it fun to blog now. Also along with learning the service I liked the way we got to communicate with one another through blogs because we can express ourselves a bit more freely then in a classroom. I know that I sometimes get shy to say something in class and this eliminated that feeling. I know that I learned a lot different topics but I feel that I would have earned that whether in a class room or an online course. However, I do not think I would have started blogging if it was not for this course.
I also thought the same thing when I signed up for this class. I was wondering how we were going to have a "small group communications" class online without meeting in person. I'm glad you enjoy blogging, and I can see that you had fun with your page from seeing your background! I also agree with you that I get shy sometimes and find it difficult to express myself in front of people that I don't know, but since this blogging was anonymous, it made it a lot easier to do so. Overall, I'm glad you got to finally experience what blogging is like and you enjoyed it!