Sunday, December 9, 2012

Last week of discussions, question 3 12/9/12

Throughout the semester we have covered an array of topics like critical thinking and logic to social contracts and sovereignty. Although there were many topics that were interesting could have used further detail, I believe that the topic "Assumptions Underlying Science" could be better explained. The reason I believe that this is very important is because we use FACTS to support our arguments. Facts are nothing else then science being applied to generate a result, therefore we must understand and be aware of the fallacies science falls victim to. The main assumptions science falls to are Empiricism, Objective, Materialism, Predictability, and Unity. The book talks about them briefly but I believe we as a class could have talked about them in further detail. I believe knowing how a fact came to be can give us  a better understanding of how to use them in our arguments. This is why i think that this topic could have been further talked about especially, since we use them when defending or supporting something.  This has been a great class that has thought me so much that I will be able to carry forward. I thank the teacher and wish her the best with her future classes.

Sincerely, Heisenberg

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Last Week of Discussions, Question 1 12/6/12

Over the course we have cover and array of topics. However, I think the biggest thing I have personally learned was how to blog. At the being of this course I had no idea of how we were all going to communicate. When we received the first assignment and email I was shocked and scared because I had never used a blog service before. Although, confusing at first I had fun customizing my page and learning how everything worked on BLOGGER. I am happy that I learned this skill because I find it fun to blog now. Also along with learning the service I liked the way we got to communicate with one another through blogs because we can express ourselves a bit more freely then in a classroom. I know that I sometimes get shy to say something in class and this eliminated that feeling. I know that I learned a lot different topics but I feel that I would have earned that whether in a class room or an online course. However, I do not think I would have started blogging if it was not for this course.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Last Week Discussion, Question 2 12/5/12

There is a lot to say about this course, since it was my first online class. I would have to say that the liberty to choose when to do the work for this class was my favorite part of the course. Meaning that the teacher would assign things on Monday and have it due Sunday, but we got to choose when we did it. I liked that a lot because I personally had a lot going on. I think this was the best part of the course because it fit my schedule. However, there were also somethings that I did not like. The main issue with this class I had was that I only knew 7 people throughout the semester. I did not like this because I am a social bug and I talk to everyone in my class in order to set up study groups and such. I think this really hindered the course for me because I did get to meet everyone in the course. Other than that the class was fun. I think that the introduction to this class has to be improved because for the first 2 weeks I was confused of what was going on. I then caught on but it was a difficult beginning. Overall I really did like this course and enjoyed it very much.
