Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11 Qusetion 2 11/11/12

I want to start off by saying that I really enjoy these types of question. Like last week I have very mixed feelings when it comes to this topic and the arguments the witters present. Once again like last week we see two people that stand on extreme opposite ends of the topic. This weeks topic is Internet Plagiarism, which seems to be a growing concern due to the fact of the accessibility of information. Brook Sadler is an assistant teacher who strongly believes that any kind of plagiarism is wrong. She believes that this undermines the educational system, which I believe is true. However, Russell Hunt believes that this new trend of internet plagiarism is a calling to change the present school system. He believes that the current system is outdated and need to be change with what he calls "active learning". I am very stuck here because I do believe plagiarism is wrong in any form but I also feel that the old style of teaching really doesn't work today. Technology, communication, and even media is changing so I ask why shouldn't teaching and learning change as well. Both writers had a good point but I have to agree with Hunt that the present educational system needs a change.


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